Sonoma County, CA

Europa Report for Sci-Fi fans looking for more science

Europa Report for Sci-Fi fans looking for more science

Europa Report, first and foremost, gets the science of interplanetary space travel right. Set in the near future, this thriller tells the story of a small crew traveling to the moon of Europa orbiting Jupiter. Based on actual findings, Europa is believed to contain liquid water oceans inside its frozen exterior and their mission is to find proof of life outside Earth. The mission is funded by the private sector, because governments have turned their back on space exploration. The six person crew is made up of pilots, engineers, a biologist (specializing in oceanography), and a doctor.  Early in the film, the mission is applauded for making it the furthest in human history and decades after the last attempt in 1972.

The story is told through interviews of people leading the mission on Earth, but more importantly, through the ship’s mounted cameras and personal video journals of the crew. This makes the film unique, with fixed cameras that occasionally gets garbled or goes black depending on what is happening. This filmmaking style adds to the suspense because you are not always seeing or hearing everything. This proves a bit much for Roz, as she had to walk away a few times, only to return to see what happened next. Blair Witch Project in space seems an unfair, but accurate description. If this sounds like your cup of tea, it’s a recommended Sci-Fi flick that does not rely on typical Hollywood action and effects.

Europa Report is now available to rent via iTunes, Google Play, Amazon before it’s theatrical release.

Also have to note the performance of actor Sharlto Copley (lead in District 9, the villain in Elysium) who once again gives a compelling and unrecognizable performance. This time, no South-African accent.