Sonoma County, CA

Tech may be the best thing for my health

Tech may be the best thing for my health

I don’t like exercise. Think I never did. I have started exercise routines but never stuck with it. That has finally changed and it was the smartwatch that did it. It has given me an awareness of my body, that I never paid much attention to. It watches after me. A smartwatch reminds me when to go to sleep. To stand up when inactive. Let’s me know when I’m not breathing right. When my heart rises when it shouldn’t. How many daily steps I have taken and calories burned. It’s all automatically tracked when I wear it.

Exercise has also been gamified for me and that’s all I needed. One game I play is 10,000 steps a day. Something that is going on year three. It has me walking at lunch when I’m sitting at work all day. Jogging to the gym instead of driving. Parking in the back of the lot when I go shopping, or taking a night walk after dinner. It can give me more energy but more importantly, it helps clear my thoughts.

Refrigerator motivator. Time to beat 2017.

See I love playing games. Exercising not so much. There are many free exercise apps for your phone. One I stick with is 7 Minute Workout. Something I can consistently commit to every day. It has achievements to earn and calendar tracking that has kept me engaged.

I have run from zombies, meditated, and tried to go couch to 5K from apps. There are three other apps I want to engage more with, in 2018. Go Paddling, for my kayaking trips. Strava, a running, swimming, and biking social network. Yonder, to inspire me to travel and explore new places. An app titled, happify, seems intriguing too.

I know you probably don’t think you need a smartwatch. It’s the health features that make it worth it for me. This does say something about where my personal interests lie though. It took tech and gamifying exercise to get in touch with my body and well being. You may not have my issues. If you do, maybe search your smartphone and find an app that interests you. It’s cheaper than a gym membership. I really believe personal devices that capture your vitals, like the smartwatch, will be here to stay and help extend life for future generations.

Another game I play. Fill the rings!